Sunday, January 8, 2017


Hey, family!

So, I wanted to start by apologizing for not finishing my blog posts for Chicon 2016.  A lot has happened in the last few months including, but not limited to: my sister getting thrown out of her apartment, moving her into a new place, her coming to live with us until she found new place, my cat having to go to the vets, finding out said cat had really bad cancer and having to put her to sleep, getting a new cat, finding out new cat had a TON of issues to deal with, Thanksgiving, Christmas, a car that is getting worse, earning money to fix car, sliding on black ice and landing in a ditch, no energy, and being sick.  Safe to say, I haven't had a lot of time for ANYTHING.  Hopefully, I will be able to do a mashup post or finish the others, if anyone is still interested.

I hope you all are still reading!  I know a lot of people have it worse, but this has been a lot LOL  I still hope to post the "RIGATONI!" vid for the young lady who requested it, I just have to find it!

With Chicon 2017 just around the corner and my car still needing repairs, I'm not sure if I will be attending this year.  I say that every year, but this year is looking slimmer and slimmer.  I had a blast writing these posts and seeing how many of you read them last year!  For an aspiring author, that was a great feeling!  I was getting almost 200 views per post!  While that isn't much in the long run, it's the most I've ever had :)  Thanks, guys!

I'd love to be able to try again next year.  So, here is my question to you: do you want another ChiBlog?  If the answer is yes, as I hope it is, then let me run something by you.

I know a lot of people can't afford to go, but would like to know what happened, every quick wit and cute line the boys give and every joke Mark Sheppard throws at the audience.  I also know that prices have went up yet AGAIN this year.   Don't get me started on Creations's new rules *grumble grumble* 😡

Last year, a girl I met on Chicon Friending Group on Facebook, someone who has turned out to be an AWESOME friend, was unable to go.  That would have been her first con ever.  I know that, if I had missed my first, I would have been devastated.  However, thanks to her, I was able to go for my second time, as she sold me her ticket VERY cheap.

I would LOVE to return the favor and show her some SPN love!  She is a really great girl who has overcome a lot this year :)  

I will be setting up a GoFundMe page or some other form of fundraiser, in the hopes that I can raise enough to pay for us to go together.  Unfortunately, we've never been able to meet in person.  I think this would be a GREAT opportunity and a memorable trip!  So, if everyone who read this agrees and reads it again this year (that is, 200 viewers), I would be able to accomplish this goal if you all donated a simple $10 each!    Not only would I be FOREVER grateful and have a great new memory with a friend, but I would be able to continue blogging this experience and sharing it with you :)  I hope to add video clips and pictures next year, as well.

Can I get a little SPN family love?

Thanks for sticking with me so far!

Love you all and #AKF


Thursday, October 13, 2016

"Family Don't End in Blood." -Bobby Singer

I know I haven't posted in a while, I apologize, again.  But, SPN family, I need your help!  My younger sister just got kicked out by her manipulative landlord.  The lady is crazy!  She's an assbutt!  I've always looked out for my sister and now is no different, even if my parents say I don't always have to, I've never outgrown it.  She doesn't have a lot of money since she's going to school, her boss is being a Jerk.   She promised her part time and still has hr working almost full, while threatening her job (even though all of the customers say she's their favorite) and she works her butt off!  Now, dean would go kick all of their asses, but he would also find a way to get out of jail or pay the bail with a fraud card haha. I don't have a bobby to bail me out either.   So, I'm asking you this:  help me be a big sibling who protects their younger one like dean does sam.  Without a place near where she lives now she won't be able to work without completely destroying her health and she won't be able to go school.  Please, SPN family, help me help her!  I'm starting a go fund me page, please, any little bit will help!


GoFundMe Link!

Sunday, September 25, 2016


Hey, everyone!  I was going to post this weekend, but got busy!  I tend to work 10 hour days at my factory job, so that's why I've been posting on the weekends!  Sorry I missed this week's post and that these posts are so stretched out!  This is pretty much my first blog, so I'm still trying to figure things out :)  hopefully I will be able to do at least two posts this week!  Thanks for understanding!


Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday Photo Op!

Yes, I know these posts are TOTALLY out of order.  And, yes, I can't believe it's been a week since Chicon!  Bear with me, I work a lot of hours and haven't had time to review the notes I took lol  Here's one of Chicon 2016's best moments, in my opinion!

I was in the photo op line to get my op with Jensen <3 and Misha.  I had gotten one with Jensen the prior year, but was still nervous, especially the closer we got.  I swore to myself that I wouldn't "blank out" again, like I did last year.  Seriously, I hardly remember any of it :(  Good news, I didn't blank.

Now, rewind to when I'm back in line, stay with me here.  I'm like less than a dozen people away from Jensen when, "BAM!" someone slams into me, shoving their way between me and the girl in front of me.  RUDE!  I thought it might be the girl's boyfriend, maybe he had gone back to get something for the op.  Well, the guy finally turned around....It was JARED!!!!  HOLY SHIT!  In my mind, way in awe: "Holy crap, Jared Padalecki just ran into me!''  Yes, total fangirl moment!

He walked away, just over to the camera guy, Chris.  I'm staring, trying to get the words out of my throat that simply won't budge.  Me to myself: "Okay, you'll regret it if you don't say anything.  He gives hugs to people who ask all the time.  Give it a shot.  The worst you'll get is a smile and a wave."  Is a smile and a wave really that bad?  Uh, NO!  Okay, here I go.

"Hey, Jared!"  He looked over at me and I beckoned him over.  HOLY SHIT PART 2, he came over!  Okay, stay calm.  No blanking.  He took my hand, his ENGULFED MINE, and stood super close.  I rambled about how the sign in his earlier photo op that he liked, I had made.  He smiled, I can't remember if he said "awesome'' or not, and then he gave me a high-five!  So, best part recap: Jared high-fived me, held my hand, loved my sign AND autographed it, what else could be better, right?  Well, he started to walk away, so I said, "Can I get a hug?"  SCORE!  He did!  He gives AMAZING HUGS!

Those boys go the extra mile for their fans.  I do wish that people would quit giving Jared their life stories and telling him he saved their lives, however.  It upsets him.  He worries.  He's VERY empathetic.  I know they just want him to know what happened and how much of a difference he's making, but it's really doing more harm than good.  Just tell him he's an inspiration or he helped you through a rough patch or even that you appreciate all he's done, but enough with the details!

Next, everyone can't believe I was so casual with him and they thought he might be my friend haha!  I wish!  It was like talking with a friend, though.  If I had had ten minutes with him, I would have been SO relaxed!  Now, my turn with Jensen.  I'm already flustered, which the volunteer understood, but she ushered me forward anyways.  So, I tell Misha I want him to hold my photo from last year and look disappointed that I'm with Jensen again.  Misha sighed and rolled his eyes, giving me a slight push towards Jensen.  Except, my knees must've been locked, because it was more like a shove!  I fell into Jensen's chest.  By the way, Misha, if you happen to read this, you can push me into Jensen AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT!  haha!  Perfection!

Following my op, I was asked by a volunteer if I was okay.  I replied that I was "On freaking cloud nine!" and raced down the hall to find my mom, who had gone with me to Chicon.  Apparently, I was farther away from her than I thought, like clear down the hall.  I started shouting "Holy shit!  Holy shit!  Holy shit!  Holy shit!" and came to a sliding halt next to her, she had been sitting on the ground against the wall.  Except, I slid partway past her!  Everyone was staring at me, but I didn't care, I had just met Jared freaking Padalecki!

I got another amazing op with him and another amazing memory of Chicon!  I still have SO many more posts to do!

This is HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT Author signing off for now!


Monday, September 12, 2016

Friday at Chicon

So, for my second post, I'm going to take you back in time.  I'm going to take to a place of chaos and disorder, of disappearing objects and grand places!  No, seriously, my day was chaos!

I had started packing the night before and had managed to get a lot done, albeit I was up until after midnight, but come morning, I couldn't find the little things!  My cell phone, my ID that inevitably seem to always take out of my wallet, you know the "small" stuff :P  I'm being serious when I say the following:

1) We left 2 HOURS later than we planned.
2) We dumped my suitcase out not once, but AT LEAST two or three times before we left and STILL couldn't find my ID.

Oh well, I was still going to get to see my boys and not have to be at work.  That should have been enough, right?  Well, I was tired and for some reason, until we got closer, my mood seemed to be in the crapper.

Anyway, we get going.  It took nearly 2 hours to get there.  Once there, we checked into the great, skyscraping Hyatt hotel!  It was nice to see a familiar building that held great memories from last year :)   I was practically bouncing all the way up, including in the check-in line!  I'm sure all the caffeine I had consumed on the way did not help, though.  Haha

Caffeine, the source of feeling alive!  The anti-death!  The thing that makes me functional!

After three or four trips, all of our stuff was officially upstairs and the weekend began!  I was still bouncing everywhere.  It took a while to learn where our room was, because we were in a different section than last year.  I was greeted by three cardboard cutouts of the boys and a picture of Dean and Sam by a table set up with refreshments.  They were a sight for sore, and excited, eyes!    We looked at the vendors, which seemed fewer than last year, but were still pretty great!  Especially Tony Santiago of  That.Man.Is.TALENTED!  We had already missed the Julian Richings and Alaina Huffman panels, but caught the last part of the trivia game.  I left before it was over, to see the vendors.  I'm still behind in the series and didn't want the spoilers :P

We relaxed and met up with people, skipping the music videos, which I tend to have trouble hearing, and one of the other panels.  We stayed for part of Osric Chau's panel (which I will talk about in another post) and then went on the my auto with Julian Richings.  Julian.  HE IS AMAZING!

On Supernatural, he is so solemn and sarcastic, playing death would be a depressing job, I'm sure.  In real life, though, he is SO charming!  He's a sweet man who takes time to talk to you!  He's considerate, leaning forward to hear us, and just so darn warm and relaxed!  He's genuine.  He was happy to be there.  Unlike most actors, excluding the Supernatural cast, he was kind and genuine.  It blows my mind how sweet they all are.  "Actors are just people," my mom tells me.  Sometimes, I think they need to be told that.  Not the SPN cast, though!  That's why they are so amazing!

Moving along from my tangent, sometime either before or after the auto, I was running on only a few hours of sleep so forgive me if my timeline is a little off, I went and signed up for karaoke.  Easier said than done.  The line I thought was for it, was the waiting line to get in.  A lot of people wanted a good place to stand!  They got there EARLY!  I later followed some friends from the previous con (Chicon 2015) and found where to sign up.  I put my name in for "Urgent" by Foreigner.  The event was amazing!  SO worth going on Friday!

Rob Benedict, Richard Speight Jr., and Matt Cohen were the hosts.  They did a great job!  The costumes were hilarious with their spoof theme "Game of Tones".  Matt looked like he was wearing a bear skin, Rob was in a dress (though, I have to admit, THAT was a little awkward O.o), and Rich was the king :)

There were also some REALLY great singers up there!  When you think karaoke, you tend to think drunken, off-key, tone-deaf, rockstar wannabes.  Not the case at Chicon!  One girl did a Fergilicious rap.  I hate rap, with a passion.  I have to give her props, she did a GREAT job!  Oldies were goodies from Sweet Caroline, changed to Sweet Osric Chau when the singer's partner was a no show, to Bust a Move!  The songs were endless, the sing-a-long aspect was fun, and the actor's joining in was a real treat!  Even death danced!  Julian, you can rock!

All in all, I am SO coming back on to be a Friday person next year.  The SNS (Saturday Night Special) is a worthwhile event to attend!  You will laugh and that night you will cry, from your throat being so incredibly and unbelievably raw from all the screaming!   SNS ROCKS!

See ya next post,


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Mark Sheppard's Panel!

Just got back from the AMAZING MR. CROWLEY'S (AKA MARK SHEPPARD'S) panel at Supernatural Chicon!  He is definitely one of the FUNNIEST actors here!  Love him and his character!  Several questions were asked and the atmosphere was fun and light.  His harsh, witty comebacks are always a pleasure, but he has a caring side beneath.  When one "occelator" (I'll explain later lol ;)) started crying, he came over and gave her a hug.  He is patient with his family.  That's how he referred to us, his family.  He, like I, is amazed at the power behind this fandom.  WE.CAN.DO.ANYTHING!  We are SO different from every other fandom out there, we move mountains together!

As for the "ocelator" part, Mr. Sheppard hates the term "fan" or "fanatic", so Rob Benedict said he should call us ocelators!  I think it'll stick.

Some funny bits from his panel include:

1) Man : "So, I saw the scene in Supernatural where you were holding a hamster in the backseat.  I was wondering, if in any of the takes, the hamster ever bit you?"

Mark: "Are you sure you're not talking about some type of odd porno?"

2) Girl: "I was wondering what it was like when they made you act like a dog?"

Mark:  "A dog?  Are you sure that was me?  Have you ever seen the show?"

3) Girl: "My brother and sister wanted me to say hi to you, but my question is..."

Mark: "Woah, so you use your family to get up here and ask a question, then it's like oh sorry, enough about them, let's talk about me!"

4) Woman: "I was wondering who, other than your wife, was your celebrity crush?"

Mark : "My wife's not a celebrity."

Woman; "She is to me."

Mark: "So who's my crush?......Well, my wife is my crush.  I can tell you who my man crush is.  Matt Bomer.  Jensen knows him and he's like 'Yeah, he's good looking."

5) Man : "Are you anything like your character, Crowley?"

Mark: "Yes, I've killed thousands of people!" -HEAVY sarcasm

Side note/Commentary:  During number 4, wow....The way Mark smiled when he was talking about his wife was absolutely filled with LOVE!  <3  The funny part came, when he was talking about what Jensen said.  He made Jensen's voice in to an impression of more of a Patrick Walker type!  I called out that his man crush was Misha, to which the entire audience laughed!  That was pretty great :)  I don't make big groups of people laugh often, let alone in front of an awesome actor!

All moments were funnier in person, of course, and I did not have my notepad on me at the time, so these are probably paraphrased, but I you get the gist!

I might not have gotten to ask a question, I was the third person in line by the time his panel ended, but Mark's panel is NEVER a disappointment!  Love his wit, can't say that enough!  He is SO much like Crowley in that respect!

I'll post more about yesterday and about the concert and Misha's panel later!  Now, to finish working on a sign for my friend Jenny's Jared op tomorrow!


P.S. Saw Misha walking around the con and got a smile!  :)